Explore Downtown Hertford
Hertford is known for its natural riverside beauty, history and heart. In the center of downtown, our court house is the second oldest in continuous use in North Carolina. It also houses the state's oldest land deed. As you explore downtown check out our beautiful new mural and be on the lookout for our famous turtles.

Places to Eat
Shopping & more

Places to Eat

Trails and Other Attractions
Main to Main Trail

Hertford is part of the statewide, NC Main to Main Trail. Part of our trail includes the famous Turtle Walk. The trail is a unique way to experience North Carolina communities.
Since 1980, the State of North Carolina has been selecting cities and
towns of all sizes to carry the distinction as designated North Carolina
Main Street communities. The NC Main to Main Trail leads you through
the state’s designated Main Street communities, highlighting each town’s
best downtown and outdoor experiences.
Learn more: NC Main to Main Trail (maintomaintrail.com)